

пятница, 24 мая 2013 г.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contre-jour (French)  for 'against daylight',
refers to photographs taken when the camera is pointing directly toward a source of light. An alternative term is backlighting. The German term is "Gegenlicht".
Contre-jour produces backlighting of the subject. This effect usually hides details, causes a stronger contrast between light and dark, creates silhouettes and emphasizes lines and shapes. The sun, or other light source, is often seen as either a bright spot or as a strong glare behind the subject. Fill light may be used to illuminate the side of the subject facing toward the camera. Silhouetting occurs when there is a lighting ratio of 16:1 or more; at lower ratios such as 8:1 the result is instead called low-key lighting.

вторник, 21 мая 2013 г.

Light in our life

"Your life is something opaque, not transparent, as long as you look at it in an ordinary human way.  But if you hold it up against the light of God's goodness, it shines and turns transparent, radiant and bright.  And then you ask yourself in amazement:  Is this really my own life I see before me?"

Albert Schweitzer

понедельник, 13 мая 2013 г.

воскресенье, 12 мая 2013 г.

Happy Mother’s Day !

" No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children, for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night "
                            Theodore Roosevelt

четверг, 9 мая 2013 г.

What must I do to become wise?

" A young man came to a sage one day and asked,  "Sire,  what must I do to become wise?"  The sage
vouchsafed no answer.  The youth after repeating his
question a number of times, with a like result, at last left him,  to return
the  next  day with the same question.  Again no answer was  given  and  the
youth returned on the third day, still repeating  his  question,  "Sire what must I do to become wise?"
Finally the sage turned and went down to a near-by river. He entered the
water,  bidding the youth follow him.  Upon arriving at a  sufficient  depth
the  sage took the young man by the shoulders and held him under the  water,
despite his struggles to free himself.  At last,  however,  he released  him
and when the youth had regained his breath the sage questioned him:

 "Son, when you were under the water what did you most desire?"

    The youth answered without hesitation, "Air, air!  I wanted air!"

    "Would you not rather have had riches, pleasure, power or love,  my son?
Did you not think of any of these?"  queried the sage.
 "No,  sire!   I wanted air and though only of air," came the instant response.
"Then,"  said the sage,  "To become wise you must desire wisdom with  as great intensity as you just now desired air.   You must struggle for it,  to the exclusion of every other aim in life.  It must be your one and only  aspiration, by day and by night. If you seek wisdom with that fervor, my son, you will surely become wise."
                                                                                                                Max Heindel
                                                                                           The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

Russian Version :

пятница, 3 мая 2013 г.

Michael Kuka and Natalia Lind

Michael Kuka and Natalia Lind are Professional Ballroom Dance Champions and their work has been seen on television, commercials, feature films and theatrical venues worldwide from Moscow, Russia to the Hollywood Bowl. They are co-founders of their very own Ballroom Dance Academy and Ballroom Entertainment Productions in Los Angeles, California.

четверг, 2 мая 2013 г.


Roland Gajate Garcia is the percussionist for the internationally acclaimed television show, American Idol. A dynamic and versatile multi percussionist, Roland brings his talent and energy to the show’s house band.

Roland was born and raised in the Los Angeles area and is the son of renowned percussionist, teacher, inventor, Richie Gajate Garcia. Roland has performed worldwide with such artists as Diana Ross, Bruno Mars, Jennifer Lopez, Carrie Underwood, Beyonce Knowles, Stevie Wonder, Patti Labelle, Kirk Franklin, Gloria Estefan, Gladys Knight, Frankie Valli, 50 Cent and international pop singer, Googoosh.

Roland earned his bachelor’s degree in music at California State University at Northridge and was mentored there by LP artist, Gregg Bissonette.

see more about Roland and his legendary father Richie Gajate Garcia :



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